Woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend... Just when I thought life could not get any better I heard a knock on my door, it was Cancer.
It changed everything but not for the worse. I choose Life and Hope .
BACK OFF CANCER is what I say!

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head
Me, Francesca, on April 1st 2007, the day I shaved my head....

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Long overdue update!!!

So , after the great news late August , Carsten, Leonardo and I jumped on a plane and spent a much needed week under the Bahamian Sun... It was fantastic... Cancer came and left my mind and by the end of the week it was almost all out. I rapidilly gained strenght and we enjoyed lots of ocean swimming and walking on the beach.

Back home the move to Switzerland was put in full gear. Packers, movers, selling stuff... it all went so fast.

How do you begin to say goodbye ??? Words will never be enough to show how heart wrenching some of the goodbyes were but we will all meet again and this move has such a symbolic meaning to us... I am finally healthy and cancer free.. so we can go! So often, when I wasn't feeeling well I would visualize the Mountains of Switzerland and see myself there with Leonardo and Carsten.

Well... Here we are!!!!

We arrived 10 days ago and are beginning to settle in. The apartment is a gem , with a view to the lake and only a 15 min train ride to Zurich. Leo started school and he has loved it and hated it! All and all he is adjusting well for a 3 year old that is sleeping on an air matress and has been put into a completelly different enviroment! He will do just fine!

And I will slowly build my life here.. right now the "pains of the beginning" are acting up, but they will pass.

I am focusing on getting my small family settled.. we are waiting for the container and I am looking for German classes. I hope that I will patient enough and wait untill I start looking for a job. But I know that I can be restless.

Much more to come ..soon.

Big Kiss


JenNY said...

Francesca, welcome to Switzerland. I am glad to know you and Carsten and Leonardo are here and are getting settled. I have been living in Geneva and enjoying it.

Unknown said...

Frannie, I am very excited for you. Please respond to my message with your phone number & address!
Love ya much!

neila said...


Have a Meringue with Doubble Cream for me...say hi to Carsten!

Baci a leonardo.

Maria Luiza said...

Chica, minha nega:

N�o mais voltei a este blog,ultimamente....vc sabe a razão: a cabeça, pela idade, me fez esquecer a senha..dai, mesmo, até julho participando, ao lado, fisicamente ( e vc sabe disso!!) da sua odeisseia, tive que retornar ao Brasil e, al�m, da Telma e da Ale, tinha noticias por aqu�...
�s vesperas da minha viagem, de sonhos, � It�lia e � Gr�cia, soube, enfim da sua alta e... pela dist�ncia e a impossibilidade, tomei s�zinha a minha champagne ou melhor, ... o meu costeiro wisky, brindando a vc, ao Casten e ao "LEOSNARDO" pela vir�ria nessa dificil maratona que, a vida, lhe impos. A Cristal, prometida, vou tomar na Sui�a...

VC � UMA PESSOA ILUMINADA E DE SORTE, e eu gostaria que vc n�o esquecesse de onde vem a base de td isso.. Ao longo da sua odiss�ia, vc teve o carinho e o apoio de, encont�veis, amigos.. eu sei, eu estava a�... Td mundo ao seu modo, ao seu jeito, se fez presente... A presteza da Barbara, a anima�o do Bill, a presen�a da Jil, o choro da Margot, o companheirismo da Angela, o carinho da Lina, os e-mails, diarios, da Neila e a visita da Manequim Alagada .. a firmeza do Carsten e a manha do L�o... Alexandra al� praticamente na sua porta, pra o que desse ou viesse. Mas.... se vc tiver um tempo, nessa euforia, normal, de cura e mudan�a pra um novo pa�s, n�o esque�a de agradecer � quem, independentemente de seu marido, seu filho e seus amigos, mais sofreu, mais presente esteve, mais aguentou os momentos d�ficeis dessa luta, em detrimento at� de seu amor pr�prio e, ao meu ver, com vc, foi a heroina dessa jornada: Rossela.

Um beijo e muita saudade dos tr�s

Maria Luiza