Woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend... Just when I thought life could not get any better I heard a knock on my door, it was Cancer.
It changed everything but not for the worse. I choose Life and Hope .
BACK OFF CANCER is what I say!

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head
Me, Francesca, on April 1st 2007, the day I shaved my head....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lesson : Friendship---- CHECK!

If you have had any "deep " conversation with me during the past 2 years since my diagnosis you for sure have heard that one my fears, and probably my only BIG fear, was to leave Leonardo too soon . A mother leaving a child would always seem soon but what I feared was that I would not be able to share with L. some of my deep values and my passions. Sure he would have heard stories and read journals but I wanted to live and experience the moment with him.

I am blessed in many ways, and my friendships are my most valued asset. I just plain LOVE my friends. They come in all shapes and colors. They love from the Grateful Dead to Britney Spears. Some are Pro life, some a pro choice. Some a pot head hippies and some are living the high life somewhere around the globe. Some I need our daily interaction as much as a lifeline while others I have only shared few moments together . But some things I assure you they all have in common. They are all lovely people. They would not hurt an animal or a child. They would save the environment. They would do "the right thing".

The lesson of friendship was a very important one for me to teach / share with L. I knew that if he saw my relationship with my friends, how much I love them, respect them, and miss them that he would learn the lesson , without it having to be thought.

Yesterday L. had his best mate here for a sleep over. Their friendship is special. I can feel it. They were going crazy, like 5 year old boys should . And after a long time of "monster noises", giggles, pillow fights, I suddenly heard SILENCE from the boys room.

Carefully I opened the door, and they were passed out...each on their own bed ...with arms stretched out ..... HOLDING HANDS.

And at that moment with my heart filled with joy I heard the Universe telling me.... LESSON LEARNED!


Unknown said...

Frannie, that was very sweet!

Anonymous said...

What a nice message.....puts me the tears in the eyes....we will miss you guys....

Karin said...

Hi Francesca,
I have missed your blog entries over the past weeks. Hope you are well and enjoying life to the fullest. Wishing you and your family the very best always!

Projeto:Cavalcante said...

Oi Francesca,

Não consigo tirar o título do meu blog... quem está te escrevendo é a Nora, filha da Tia Christina.
Tantos anos que não nos vemos, não é???
Tenho ótimas lembranças suas na casa da Tia Candy, junto da Lina....
Fico muito contente de saber de suas conquistas e queria que soubesse que estou aqui celebrando com vc!!!
Admiro muito sua força e vontade para que tudo termine bem.
Mande um beijao para sua mãe e saiba que estarei (aqui do Brasil) torcendo por seu pai e por mais um natal MUITO FELIZ!!!!
Milhões de beijos,