Woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend... Just when I thought life could not get any better I heard a knock on my door, it was Cancer.
It changed everything but not for the worse. I choose Life and Hope .
BACK OFF CANCER is what I say!

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head
Me, Francesca, on April 1st 2007, the day I shaved my head....

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Friday March 23rd, 2007 - Biopsy

After 2 days at the hospital, they performed a "needle " Biopsy. The wait for answers was by far the worst part of it all but the love and comfort from my family and friends were already beginning to build strenght and although I still did not know the outcome, I knew that whatever was going to be... IT HAD NO CHANCE with me!

The days came and gone and I waited. The staff at HUMC was unbelievable supportive and i know I must have driven them crazy with all my millions of questions. Thank God I had internet access and began educating myself ... but on what???/ To many options....

One particular young medical student , Bill O'Donnell, could not have been more affective and accommodative. He was certainly not the most informed person in the medical staff ( a 3 year student) but he was in no doubts the most caring and loving one. I DROVE HIM NUTS!!!! He found answers ... went to speak with the Biopsy team... I felt he was an extension of my "pain the butt" self around the hospital. I had to stay in bed but Bill didn' t! Thank you Bill!

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