Woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend... Just when I thought life could not get any better I heard a knock on my door, it was Cancer.
It changed everything but not for the worse. I choose Life and Hope .
BACK OFF CANCER is what I say!

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head

The beginning of this journey...shaving my head
Me, Francesca, on April 1st 2007, the day I shaved my head....

Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Yup, today I turn 35 years old... but my reason for posting is not to get some extra birthday wishes ...
I remember so well my b-day of last year.. It was quiet and special. I spent the day with Alexandra and in teh evening we all went to a local Mexican place. The 4 of us and the 2 boys... we had such a great time , it was the perfect b-day evening..
I remember getting home and really feeling my heart filled with happiness and joy... I was so content and I CLEARLY remember telling Carsten that I could not ask for nothing else in life .. I had all, and I counted all my blessings INCLUDING My health...
Well.. I had no idea that the bomb was ticking inside of me and than less than 8 weeks from that precious day.. ALL WOULD CHANGE...
So, the message IS today more than ever I realize that TOMORROW IS PROMISED to no one and that you really MUST enjoy TODAY... My year was tough but I am happy and grateful for it.

So, I was always one to enjoy a Big Birthday and you bet today I will be eating A LOT of cake and drink some bubblie with it!

Much love to all


1 comment:

neila said...


"Live simply that others
may simply live"
— Mohandas Gandhi, 1869-1948

Celebrate your birthday
with those great two persons, Carsten and Leonardo, chosen by GOD to be with you during this great journey that we all have ahead of us...

Feliz Aniversario!

Beijos da tua familia aqui do norte…
Neila Giovanni Maria e Stefano